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  • День рождения 09/30/1992

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    Anime, Video Games, Science Fiction.

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    Рей (версия 2)

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Агент Marduk'a

Агент Marduk'a (5/34)

  1. Yeah, one of Microsoft's latest updates in recent weeks disabled the driver, so it's a very recent problem with the game. Though at least now there's a solution if anybody runs into in the future.
  2. Actually, the problem was that since support was dropped for Windows Server 2003 a graphics driver was turned off with that update which caused some games not to run. However, the solution is to simply turn it back on and then your games will work. Now, here's the instructions that somebody who encountered the same problem e-mailed me: Open the device manager Under View, check Show hidden devices. Then, click on Non-Plug and Play Drivers. Double click Security Driver. And on the Driver tab, click on Start. Thank goodness for that. Stupid Microsoft.
  3. Okay, I download the game off of here and it ran perfectly when I installed it, but after a few days later it would not load at all and just keeps giving me this error. Says It "管理者権限でログインして,再実行して下さい= Login with administrator privileges, and please try again." Did you guys ever run into this problem? I do hope so.
  4. Don't worry about that. I used dialogue from different parts of the game so all I would need to do is grab the Russian TL from those parts. Though I wonder, would I need permission from the translation team before doing something like that?
  5. Hi guys. Since there was not a Kaworu ending for GOS2, I decided to add one in myself. What do you think? If you'd like, I could help implement it into the Russian translation. It would not take long. https://youtu.be/6VEuGMnqUeY
  6. Thanks. I checked on there myself and didn't find any of the sort, just rips for some of the other games. Though maybe I didn't search enough. Hmm.
  7. Hi guys. I was wondering if any of the CG rips of Girlfriend of Steel 2nd PS2 or PSP were mirrored on this community (or anywhere else for that matter) since the link for it on Evageeks has been long dead. I'm interested because I think that a PS2 graphics patch for the PC version could be possible using its assets. Anyone?
  8. There wasn't much info on the version differences and since I had a look at them all, I decided to do one myself. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  9. I almost forgot, but I did a comparison between the various platform version of Ayanami Raising Project if any of you guys are interested. You can find it on my blog. http://pearsehillock.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/neon-genesis-evangelion-ayanami-raising.html
  10. At long last, a full release. It is done, I only have to spot check it but that'll take weeks for multiple playthroughs and I doubt people care so I'm gonna release it. You can get the download here, thanks for hanging on this long guys. http://pearsehillock.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/neon-genesis-evangelion-ayanami-raising_15.html
  11. Oh right, just thought since you had a question mark at the end of your post. Anyhow, he sure is butt ugly, I don't think anyone would want to be raped by him, or this guy.
  12. Aka Manto is a Japanese school ghost story about a spirit who haunts bathrooms and kills people, so they probably used that and said porn ...... because bathroom rape I guess, and we all know that's hilarious. They probably did, Evangelin goes hand in hand with porn anyways. About the what kind of future segment, it's just a general event to hint at your endings, or at least I think so as she responds "I want to be a tennis player" or "I want to be a pianist".
  13. Working hard and the end is near, it shouldn't be long now. Here you go, a progress update for Ayanami Raising Project on the NDS. http://pearsehillock.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/neon-genesis-evangelion-ayanami-raising.html
  14. Well, it's a port of the PC version to the DS that adds Asuka and a few minor things.
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