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Техник Gehirn

Техник Gehirn (11/34)

  1. После долгой невозможности, прочитал-таки 16 главу. Сильно. Не заметил скомканности, которую упоминали предыдущие постеры, но остановливать на таком вот клиффхангере - зло.
  2. Tinyurl.com/AdEvaResources или в статье на 1d4chan все есть, через гугол.
  3. altasaire


    http://www.forum.evanotend.com/index.php?showtopic=12918 Из редактед. Неубиваемый троллоло-Архангел Кетер.
  4. altasaire


    And man built himself a statue of gold to worship instead of The Lord, saying “Wherefore is gre- ater then I?” So God sent Keter to them from its place beyond this world. And where Keter appea- red to crush their idols, the people wept tears of blood, and a man would cry his life's blood through his mourning hands. From blood man was wrought, and too it shall he return. Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 31 And all the lands will rot in his coming Eighth Scroll: Untitled – line 14
  5. altasaire


    "...They spoke of the many children: Born from a great womb, full of death That they do come upon life like a sea of hate And soon return to their mother Thieving from creation in deathly violence She, Rahab, a mouth unable to devour So that she sends her children To consume all around her." Fourth Scroll: The Ghosts of My Children, Passage 16
  6. altasaire


    From the bowl outpouring came the Apostle A mockery of the foes that stood before him Clad with night as his ally His arm scattered them to disarray Those that rose would soon fall Veiled in his shadow Their strength turned against them Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 26
  7. altasaire


    As the pact of the rainbow is Halaliel For those who act in violence shall be smote For a cheat and brigand thou surely art And yet thou smile and play the harlequin Oh painted Fool! Curse thou foul trickery Subtle is the wrath of God Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 41
  8. altasaire


    " And I heard a great voice speak BURN, And a wall of flame descended upon the world, Mark of Kabaiel! Herald of Kabaiel! And the flame danced and spiraled at its master's call, Will of Kabaiel! Decree of Kabaiel! And the flame's heart was held within a jewel, shining and radiant, Beauty of Kabaiel! Glory of Kabaiel! And all shall fall before it, and all shall know death, Strength of Kabaiel! Victory of Kabaiel!" Third Scroll: The Voice of God, passage #15
  9. altasaire


    And there above them shall shine Aradia, graced with the form of the sun And who can look upon her, but to know their sin and her glory And in her light the wicked shall crumble beneath the weight of their corruption And the world shall kneel before her in jubilant ecstasy Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 21 “And I heard a great voice speak SEE, and a glowing crystal orb descended from the heavens. And those who looked within its depths saw the multitude of their sins laid bare before them, and their weaknesses laid bare before others. And the town square descended into madness as men began frothing at the mouth and turning upon each other.” Third Scroll: The Voice of God, passage #12
  10. altasaire


    "Behold now, that Marmamoth is before you Mercy to He, Pity unto He, That He have no mother or birthing Should ye be witness unto his tragedy Hold no terror or harm against him For a blow will find naught but emptiness That shall end all things in Time." Fourth Scroll: The Ghosts of My Children, Passage 11
  11. altasaire


    “And I heard a great voice speak RISE, and the great ruins shook, and that which was Babel rose into the sky. And the stone knit together as if mending flesh, and upon its walls a great multitude of eyes sprouted and shone forth. Foul winged carrion beasts flew up to become its residents, and it swung its baleful gaze across the land. And to be seen by its gaze was DEATH, for whenever its gaze would look upon the living a great cry would come forth from the tower, and its residents will fall upon the living and slay them.” Third Scroll: The Voice of God, passage #9
  12. altasaire


    There stood an Apostle, most humble of all To him is granted the Lord’s protection To foes His fullest of fury and wrath That their might may be stripped from them To return in kind what they have sown. Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 17 This world is more full of places, then men comprehend, and for each God has appointed a keeper. Jehudiam leads through these places as god leads the righteous to salvation, his appointed task clad in the color of life itself. The secret ways of the world do not bend to any will save that of god. Eighth Scroll: Untitled – lines 3-6
  13. altasaire


    Then I saw, at the [indecipherable passage] man and not like a man, and its skin was like the shell of a beetle and like the edge of a sword and like the gleam of the moon on water. And before it I saw the [home/city/fortress] of Man, and it reached for the sky and bit deep into the Earth, for Man was mighty, and it was his mightiest creation. And the [home/city/fortress] opened its mouth, and its [powerful/terrible] teeth shone like the sun, and a terrible fire burned in its throat. And as Zophiel, for that was its name, strode on, the [home/city/fortress] shuddered and bowed to it. All its might, the teeth and the claws and the fire, it turned unto Man, and there was much [wailing/despair] from him, for he knew he was now all [alone/on his own]. First Scroll: The Nightmare, Passage 3
  14. altasaire


    "We saw Him come through dawn like mist And come unto us, beseeching the day from his form And to fill us with the night that made him So that he find a womb within our sin Should our sin grow within us and, in time, escape us Such is the gift of Zaazenach" Fourth Scroll: The Ghosts of My Children, Passage 4
  15. altasaire


    In the ocean’s bosom does reside Galgaliel Restless it does seek the light on high That it may share its song with those above To rise aloft under watch of the sun And to wear the light as its mantle There it may grow evermore And gift to all its radiance. Second Scroll: The Last History, Passage 6
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