This book is the second of the Evangelion 2.0 movie Groundworks books, and third of the movie series, and the largest of all three. The book is paperback and is covered with a dust jacket. The first 16 pages are of color images, half are finished color works and the other half are their color layouts, drawn in colored pencils. The rest of the book are black and white pages. The color pages are glossier and of thicker stock than the other pages.
This book is a massive collection of key animation drawings for the movie, Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance. The vast majority of the key animations shown in this book are figure-based (characters, the evas) and there are comparatively very few environments or the explosion animations that they are fond of. A great deal of space is given to the newer character, Makinami Mari, and her eva unit, and to Shinji during the last moments of the movie. I generally prefer to see more figure animation in these books, but for anyone looking for animations of environments or special effects, they're better off looking elsewhere, like the first of these two books (Groundworks of Evangelion 2.0 #01).
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