Если коротко, перефразируя известную поговорку: понабрали умных, а спрашивают, как со здоровых.
Мисато, глядя на сломавшуюся Рицко: "Трагедия проекта EVA - в его людях (т.е. исполнителях). Но и я — одна из них".
Ritsuko: “Yes, I do. I’m destroying them. They’re not human beings. They’re things with human form. But I lost to these dolls! I couldn’t win him!”
More and more emotional: “I could stand any humiliation for him. I didn’t care how wretched I became! But... but he had chosen... he chose. I knew this, but...”
Breaks down completely: “I’m such an idiot. Both mother and daughter are idiots. Shoot me if you want to. I’d rather die.”
Misato: lowers gun: “That won’t release you from your agony.”
Ritsuko collapses to floor, sobbing.
Misato thinks to herself: “The tragedy of the Eva Project is its people.”
Narrows her eyes: “But I’m one of them, too.”