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The Breeze

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Весь контент The Breeze

  1. The answer is in the series. Synchronise with it to understand and enjoy. Over-synchronise, and you will be absorbed by it. Nevermind, just don't take the anime too seriously. Enjoy it at your own.
  2. ДДБ - это шедевр... Кстати, вы точно знаете эту страничку... www.geocities.com/seele_hq/Archive/index.htm "Together we stand" про Хикари с Шином была неплохо описанная альтернатива, как и скажем "Higher Learning", из которого вы точно знаете этот омак у Лэнгли. У Страйк Фисса мне понравилось юморное общение с публикой, как и омаки после почти каждой главы. Мои аплодисменты. Другой фэнфик, писанный JimmyWolk'om (которому я кстати обязан Ри-тэйком, RedPriest.) и явно навеянный работами Ракны. Интересно то, что он пишет сразу несколько глав сразу, поскольку две линии сюжета парралельны и соединятся они только в конце. Он называется "The Second Try." www.fanfiction.net/s/1413558/1/
  3. I don't want to abuse you with my english-layout-keyboard (be damned, stupid thing!) But ask you for some fine fanfiction art you read. What is it? Perhaps have you read some scrap and want to share your critics. Don't flame me about the english! Перевод: Какие фанфики вам больше всего понравились? Есть предложения? Thank you.
  4. Hikari+Shin. Read "I used to love her" from Alain Gravel. Asuka+Dummyplug EVA-07 I hate german keyboards. D'oh!
  5. The work is really serious. It maybe can compared to eva-r. I'm not sure-maybe you know it already But I think it's worth to link it here: it's some kind of classics of complexe fanfiction canons. www.eva-r.com Have fun.
  6. You can try to see the 26th episode from the original series. (Flashing Anime pictures) with additional soundtrack. (Air) But you have to aware if you're epiliptical.
  7. YESS!!! RottenTomatoes: the first movie will be in movies in July 2007 (confirmed) http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=362241
  8. Ok, I read it, and listen folks, i CANNOT RUSificate the Terminal in this Internetcafe. So further, I will write in english. You can understand it or not. I just wanted to say, that i saw dreams about the Third Impact 5 Years BEFORE I saw EVANGELION. I was pursued by JSDSF killing everyone in their way, until they melted in LCL. Then, I saw a girl watching me, I know now, that it was Rei. A few moments later she caressed my cheek, the she kissed me and suddenly i was in a yellow sea full of people. And then, it was a pleasant feeling to be not alone... Weird, isn't? Thanks for the permission for the translating, Dron. To prevent stupid comments: my sheets were dry.
  9. Do pervoi svedi, shdem's... Eshe ssilka: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE2iKohGdJY Originaly na RapidShare.
  10. Smotri moi linki na predidushei stranice. Original censirovan JimmyWolk'om. Tak chto ne hentai. Post na nemeckom, ne panikowat, scroll down. Info: RE-TAKE bil wipuschen w japonii w konce etogo mesaca. Esli Jimmy na angliiskij perevedjot, pervedu na russkij. Nachal perevodit pervuju knigu. Ah da, Dron, istorija idjot ne o glukah Shinji. Chitai wnimatelneje.
  11. Пожалуйста, Кто сказал, что нет красивых косплейщиков?
  12. Tak, moi pervij replai. Isvinajus sa shrift, nemezki komp total baka. ne ponimajet. Kak podarok, schlju link ot downloada odnogo dojina, RE-TAKE, tolko na anglijski. Istorija bes spoilerow: posle kommentarija Aski na beregu LCL-ogo morja, Shinji prosypajetsa w bolnitschnoj krowati w cholodnom potu... Dlja censirowanogo hentaja otchen sahwatywajashaja istorija. Screenshot: http://www.ilumnia.de/board/attachment.php...67&d=1138214945 Sowet: tschitat' RE-TAKE 0 posle ostalnih tomov. Prisraki cinitschni. http://www.ilumnia.de/board/showthread.php?t=11060
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