Darius Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Скорее наоборот, фаны такое смотреть не будут... Походу Голливуд не успокоится, пока не зафейлит все хорошие идеи и испохабит все культовые фильмы >_> 1 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Berserk_ Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Мега интервьюс автором ролика(английское). Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Dampier Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 а как по мне, так интересное кинцо будет, ибо предыдущие фильмы по МК кал, кое-где меньший, кое-где больший Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Aahnold Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Автор Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Интересные цитаты: Of course I had my opinions on it, because of the first two movies, and because I was such an avid fan of the game. I know that there’s definitely a handful of purists that have their opinions on the mysticism and the mythos of Mortal Kombat. But I do have an answer for that: this is just a prelude to what my movie version would be. Now like I said, because I am such a fan of the Mortal Kombat series, I know there’s a lot of concern about the mysticism and the special powers and all that kind of stuff. Well, like I said, this is really designed — the short so far is really designed like a prologue to the movie. Now, in a movie version, I am going to have that mysticism there, but it has to be done in a very tasteful way. I wouldn’t like it too campy or too cheesy. I know this is a weird analogy, but it’s the best one I can think of right now. It’s kind of like when in Harry Potter, there’s two universes that coexist with each other. There’s the real world, and then you get on the train and then you go to Hogwart’s, and that’s where all the magic is. It was actually kind of similar in the first Mortal Kombat, too. They had to get on the ship and go to the island, and that’s where all the crazy stuff happened.So that’s essentially what I want to do with this movie, but I want to do it tastefully. I came at that from a choreography end and lately I’ve been a little tired of the wirework Crouching Tiger style of martial arts and really gravitated towards a hard hitting, in-your-face, ground-and-pound, just going for it kind of martial arts when Tony Jaa burst into the pop zeitgeist. So that was one thing I did want to make sure I was going to be able to do, and it wasn’t going to be too over the top with fireballs and electricity. Even though I do want to have that in there. But I really feel like there has to be limitations to it. There has to be rules. Because when you take a special move, and you make it indisposable, to me it’s no longer special. It has to all come from something that has a little bit of limitation to it. Вот этот момент мне очень напоминает как раз первый МК. Он тоже не был щедр на супер приемы. So with all that mysticism, I want to infuse it. But I also want to infuse it with a little bit more of a demonic presence, as opposed to an Asian mysticism presence, so that it feels a little bit more evil. That’s the thing about Mortal Kombat. I love that it was all the bad things. It was evil, it was bloody. It was your way of being twelve and rebelling. “I’m not gonna play Sonic the Hedgehog — I’m gonna play Mortal Kombat.” And I want to incorporate all of the very iconic things that have made Mortal Kombat so special. I think, obviously one of the more iconic ones is Scorpion having a flaming skull. However, you have to take in mind that that’s also Ghost Rider. You have to really be clever with how you’re going to do that. You can’t just do it again. It just won’t look good anymore. So that would be my movie version if I ever get to be lucky enough to to do something like that. Now in this short I made, these characters made the most sense, conceptually, to carry out a clean narrative. Now, I love Liu Kang, but Liu Kang has been told already in the first and second movies. Now I want Liu Kang for the tournament. I don’t want to have to follow him as the main protagonist because that would be repeating the first movie. Of course, as a kid, to me there were only two characters that I loved. And it was Scorpion, and Sub-Zero. And the fact that we haven’t seen their rivalry played out, I think, is a shame. Because I really want to see that story. To me there’s nothing better than a really, really good rivalry against each other, and a revenge tale. It’s all so, to me, gratifying. I wanted to utilize Scorpion, because he is arguably the most iconic of the Mortal Kombat franchise. There are key words that pop up when you say Mortal Kombat. There’s the techno theme song, obviously. There’s “Fatality.” There’s “Flawless victory.” There’s “babality.” And there’s “Get over here.” That’s one of the big ones. I wanted to take the bad guy and make him one of the leads of the movie. I always think it’s interesting when you can have a three dimensional character like that be at the forefront of the film. And I think Jax is such a real character. I would love to see how he got his metal arms. I thought that was great. Sonya’s also such a classic character. Everyone knows Sonya. I did want to utilize the most iconic characters and not get too carried away with the over the top nature that you can get away with in video games, but not necessarily in cinema. So I probably wouldn’t have people like Cyrax. I would have people like Kabal. But not Cyrax. Stryker is another interesting character. I would definitely like to explore Kitana and Kung Lao. Про фаталити: I would definitely have them. The thing about the first film was that it had to be tamed down so much for the audience. There’s a part of me that understand that, but then there’s a huge part of me that’s like “Guys, Mortal Kombat was very popular for very specific reasons.” I was so angry when they came out with the Super Nintendo version of Mortal Kombat and the blood was gone. It was like sweat and sand and I was really pissed off. And then they came out with a cheat where you can turn the sweat red. It still wasn’t the Mortal Kombat that I wanted. In the arcades, we would all cheer when someone actually knew how to do a fatality. So I would want to incorporate a good amount. Not over the top, where it feels like we’re just doing it for shock value. But I think Sub-Zero has a great fatality. I think Scorpion has a great fatality and I think Kano has a great fatality. These are all the original. I would go back to Mortal Kombat 1, 2, and 3, and adhere to those fatalities. Because those are the ones that I feel everyone kind of remembers, and really has a nostalgic value to them. I would incorporate them in the tournament aspect in a very organic way. Про "Get over here!" Yeah, of course. I would definitely save that to the end. It’s got to be one of those moments. It’s got to be like “the movie moment”, when he finally says “get over here.” If you have them say it throughout the movie, it’s not really special anymore. But I want to make a huge moment of that. You gotta have that moment where you think…in classic form you think Scorpion is about to die to his enemy and then he finally gets up and he says the iconic line and then starts kicking ass. You want to have that. And I 100% plan on using that. Listen, Scorpion is the bad guy and will stay a bad guy. His motives are personal. It’s not to help out anybody. It’s to get Sub-Zero. If Jax and Sonya can coattail off of that revenge, awesome. But Scorpion does not care. He’s going after one thing, and one thing only. And I personally love that. I don’t want to see Scorpion go soft... ...But for some reason you’re very engaged in his cause, and that’s exactly what I would hope to achieve with Scorpion, because I think he’s such a cool character, a really cool character. Him and Sub-Zero are both, to me, will be the main Mortal Kombat icons. Even on Youtube, if you look at the likes/dislikes, it’s about 95% good. The negative 5% is there, but I even think some of that negativity will be lifted once they know what I plan to do with the mysticism side of it all. Like Raiden’s not going to be an electrician with lasers on his forearm or anything like that. I have no interest in doing anything like that. I just thought Baraka was a cool character and I know there’s — you know, on comment blogs you get a lot of mixed things. And there’s obviously a lot of questions about race, but I don’t understand why that’s such an issue when Nick Fury is Sam Jackson. I took the liberty of making Baraka a real. I wanted to ground as much as I could in the prologue that leads us up to the tournament. Звучит обнадеживающе. Есть сомнения насчет "фтопку стиль крадущегося тигра/затаившегося дракона, по мне лучше прямое мордобитие" и насчет Бараки, но в остальном, как мне кажется, этот молодой режиссер двигается в правильном направлении. Да и сам он большой фанат МК. Как он говорит, "из Рейдена я не стану делать электрика, который пуляет лазеры из устройства на своих руках - у меня абсолютно нет ничего подобного в планах." Я был удивлен, сколько деталей было вложено в короткометражку. Одно упоминание имени Скорпиона чего стоит. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Clow Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Попахивает очередной постапокалиптической, пост-ядерной или ещё что-то в этом роде картиной. По крайней мере за эту короткометражку не заметил ни духа турнира, ни той же мистики, присущей классической картине. Да был момент, когда Шанг Тсунг избавился от наручников. Барака - мутант-доктор. Рептилия, тоже мутант. Чувство о турнире во спасения человечества, можно будет забыть. Уже уйма таких форматов фильмов пролетела с треском. Оно может оказаться гораздо лучше всего того, что мы видели ранее Тоже самое можно сказать и про ремейк, с дополнениями от режиссёра. Ну хотя бы не ремейк, но пытаться поддержать мифологию и культ турнира. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Aahnold Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Автор Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Все это будет, а от наручников избавился не Шан Цунг, а Скорпион. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
フーガ Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 июня, 2010 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Frohman Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 "Фанаты прутся, кое кто кричит отстой, Но все препрутся жрать попкорн на третий фильм..." (С) Если всё таки снимут, то на показ придут все-фанаты и любители, независимо от своих догадок. Может быть, всё будет не так уж плохо. 1 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
.Дзю. Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 Считаю что на показ надо идти. Это ведь МОРТАЛ КОМБАТ! Отдайте дань детству! Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Clow Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 11 июня, 2010 Все это будет, а от наручников избавился не Шан Цунг, а Скорпион. Да? Жесть. Я вот как то не вник в это, но по личику думал, что это именно Шан Цунг. Хотя, действительно глаза говорили обратное Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
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