Chrome Device Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Показать контент Tsurumaki: Right. There was a feeling that we wanted the difficulties to be, as far as possible, confined to "Break," because we wanted a situation where we would be able to try various things in the third part. So, after Rei's death in episode 23, Kaworu comes to Shinji; we attempted a structure similar to the TV series. But, in the end, Rei didn't die........ --- Instead, it seemed that Shinji and Rei "got together." Tsurumaki: There is probably some other intention there, so I think you should check with Anno-san [about that]. However, because there was a feeling that Rei III had been poorly developed in the TV series, after Rei II died in "Break," we wanted to develop in detail the drama of Rei III in "Q." --- So it's something you were not able to fully realize in the TV series. "Because I am the third" is an amazingly impactful, famous line of dialogue, but, in truth, I felt that [Rei III] didn't really mean much after that..... Tsurumaki: I thought going deeply into that would be interesting, even in a "Science Fiction"-like way. As Rei realizes the fact, and the significance of the fact, that there has been more than one Rei before her, how, as a clone, will she achieve her independence as an individual? I wanted to develop a story like that. However, it was decided that Rei wouldn't die, and, in the climax of "Break," we strongly and actively push the idea of "Rei and Shinji being brought together," a development taken over from "Prelude." --- That was an extraordinarily surprising development. [Tsurumaki: Because it's even linked with the motivation for having Asuka pilot Unit-03, it ended up being a stronger way of developing things than I thought. ??] [?? アスカを3号機に乗せるための動機にも連動していることなので、思っていたよりも強い描き方になってしまいましたね。] --- There's one thing that mystified me. Despite the fact that the original scenario for the climax was different, in "Prelude" Gendou mentions something like a "love love strategy" intended to bring Rei and Shinji closer together. Why does that appear to be consistent [with "Break"]? Tsurumaki: Anno-san probably hasn't thought about that very deeply. --- Eh? That wasn't foreshadowing? Tsurumaki: We on the staff had a conversation about that dialogue from "Prelude," wondering if it was okay to have [Gendou] say that. Not to mention that I thought Rei II was going to die in "Break." --- Then why, despite that, was there a consistency? Tsurumaki: This is evidence that the story was developed, not with an "inductive" technique, but with a "deductive" one. "He already said it there, so we have no choice." It's something like a methodology where [the story] is adjusted, even forcibly, to be consistent with what has already been done. --- This is quite a shock (laughing)! Surely, immediately following "Prelude," there are people who grin and say of the "love love strategy," "This is a big change!" Surely it leaves a strong impression on everyone. As a result, they will surely think during "Break," "Ah, as I thought, those two were brought together!" Tsurumaki: The impression that Anno-san mainly wanted to convey was that Gendou and Fuyutsuki were devising a secret plot. Because Shinji happens to go to Rei's room just after that, that was what they discussed. When "secret plot" and "Shinji and Rei" were combined, it probably appeared something like "a strategy to bring together Shinji and Rei." --- Rather than being disappointed, I'm impressed. All the more, I have a pleasant feeling that things have become "Eva-esque." The fact that this consistency is inherent [makes it] extremely valuable; I am delighted [to think] that this may be the much-discussed "live feeling." [*] In any case, there will surely be many viewers who have the impression that, this time, Gendou's Human Instrumentality Project [somehow depends on] this "love love strategy." Fuyutsuki also says something like, "As we thought, owing to those two Unit-01 has awakened." [* There is a footnote about this. It refers to Anno's desire to bring the "live feeling" of theater into anime.] Tsurumaki: And Gendou replies something like "A little while longer, and our project is complete." I had doubts storyboarding that conversation, and sent Anno-san a series of questions about it. "So Gendou knew this would happen to Unit-01? Or was Gendou also surprised and troubled? Or was Gendou surprised, but pleased with the outcome?" I didn't understand the specific meaning of the statement, so I struggled to interpret it. Anno-san replied that, "For now, we'll say he aimed at this and things went the way he expected." I wondered if that was enough. For myself, I am still skeptical that even Gendou isn't really panicking inside, but... --- So [everything] will probably be overturned again next time? Tsurumaki: That is perfectly likely (laughs). --- One more thing: Kaworu's existence in light of the fact that we are given this strong impression that, "this time, the human instrumentality project was this 'love love strategy' with Shinji and Rei." There's no doubt that female fans were extremely pleased by Kaworu's line after the ending: "Ikari Shinji-kun, this time, I will make you happy." Tsurumaki: Kaworu's line stayed the same from the very first storyboard. It was something he said while wearing his usual relaxed smile. Of course, at the last minute, just, I think, before we started postsynchronization, we began talking about whether or not it would be better if Kaworu looked scary during that scene. --- As a result, it looks like he's come to take his bride by force! [*] [* その結果、略奪婚に来たみたいに見えますよね。"略奪婚" refers, I believe, to the ancient practice of abducting one's bride from a hostile tribe. Today I believe it's used to mean a marriage that results from an adulterous affair, i.e. "stealing a husband/wife from someone." I assume the original meaning must be intended here?] Tsurumaki: Right, right (laughing). [We thought it would be] more interesting if Kaworu looked like [he was thinking]: "You've been with a woman while I've been away? How dare you...! Вот это кажется очень интересным, было бы неплохо, что бы кто то перевёл или пересказал основные моменты. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Aahnold Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Wilgiforz, я уже писал ранее. То, что ты процитировал - там все есть. Если тебя интересует конкретно это: Цитата -- This is quite a shock (laughing)! Surely, immediately following "Prelude," there are people who grin and say of the "love love strategy," "This is a big change!" Surely it leaves a strong impression on everyone. As a result, they will surely think during "Break," "Ah, as I thought, those two were brought together!"Tsurumaki: The impression that Anno-san mainly wanted to convey was that Gendou and Fuyutsuki were devising a secret plot. Because Shinji happens to go to Rei's room just after that, that was what they discussed. When "secret plot" and "Shinji and Rei" were combined, it probably appeared something like "a strategy to bring together Shinji and Rei." Интервьюер спрашивает про то, что Сина и Рей свели вместе, как может показаться зрителю. Цурумаки отвечает: Анно главным образом хотел показать, что Гендо и Фуюцки замышляют коварный план. Т.к. (дословно) Синдзи входит в комнату Рей и это как раз то, что они обсуждали в этот момент, то когда складываешь "коварный план" и "Синдзи и Рей", то сразу возникает мысль (у зрителя), что их хотят свести. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Chrome Device Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Да нет, это как раз меня не особо интересует и так понятно было. Вот этот момент кажется интересней, здесь он вроде Рэй II и Рэй III сравнивает: Показать контент Tsurumaki: There is probably some other intention there, so I think you should check with Anno-san [about that]. However, because there was a feeling that Rei III had been poorly developed in the TV series, after Rei II died in "Break," we wanted to develop in detail the drama of Rei III in "Q." --- So it's something you were not able to fully realize in the TV series. "Because I am the third" is an amazingly impactful, famous line of dialogue, but, in truth, I felt that [Rei III] didn't really mean much after that..... Tsurumaki: I thought going deeply into that would be interesting, even in a "Science Fiction"-like way. As Rei realizes the fact, and the significance of the fact, that there has been more than one Rei before her, how, as a clone, will she achieve her independence as an individual? I wanted to develop a story like that. However, it was decided that Rei wouldn't die, and, in the climax of "Break," we strongly and actively push the idea of "Rei and Shinji being brought together," a development taken over from "Prelude." Говорит, как я понял то ли про их различия, то ли про причины по которым Рэй II решили не убивать,(потому что Рэй III получалась другим персонажем?) здесь как раз моменты сложные, а шесть лет немецкого в чтении английского текста, совсем не помогают. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Aahnold Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Он говорит о том, что Рей 3 плохо раскрыли в сериале, потому они хотели отвести ей больше времени в Q. Цурумаки было интересно развить идею в плоскости научной фантастики: как Рей осознавала бы важность факта, что до нее были более одной Рей, как она достигала бы независимости как индивид. Однако, было решено (высшими силами), что Рей не умрет, и после этого в 2.22 они активно стали продвигать идею свести Рей и Синдзи - направление, перенятое из 1.11. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Chrome Device Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 28 февраля, 2011 Ясненько, спасибо. Вообще я думаю вариант Цурумаки был бы интересней, хотя его кажется Садамото решил развивать в манге, посмотрим у кого лучше получится. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Arselen Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 Прошу прощеная за тупость, но как выглядит S2 двигатель, думал что Ядро это и есть он, но по всей видимости не так... Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Rosetau Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 в ребилде про с2 ничего не говорилось в нге - никак не выглядит, это просто нечто, с чего питаются ангелы. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Arselen Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2011 Цитата в ребилде про с2 ничего не говорилосьв нге - никак не выглядит, это просто нечто, с чего питаются ангелы. Ну какое-то материальное обличье у него должно же быть Г_Г Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
fullmetall Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2011 Возможно двигатель связан как то с ядром ангела, т.к. после того как ева-01 поглотила дв. ангела(19 серия) в 20й серии в области живота есть шарообразное образование. Оно могло быть до этого, но спрятано под броней. Но если у евы нет изначально S2 дв. то как она может двигаться в режиме берсерка. Возможно во время создания евы двигатель все таки был помешен в еву, но просто его не знали как запускать либо до поглощения ангела не хватало каких то частей для полноценного запуска ( в режиме берсерка могло действовать вещество на подобие адреналина, которое запускало на непродолжительное действие S2 дв. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Rosetau Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2011 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2011 на сайте есть парочка статей на эту тему, можно почитать расхожие мнения там. а для обсуждения лучше все еж перебраться в ветку НГЕ, потому что в ребилде почти не на чем выводы делать. ничего ведь не показали. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
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